Prayer by samuel

Date & Time:  (#184)
Prayer:  asking and thanking you ahead of time for prayer, need healing in many areas 51 and never able to have girlfreind for possible marriage and freindship, or good job because of learning probloms,unjustly fired from extremly abusive deceptive toxic job environment employer owner is lying about what happened saying i was out of control and difficult, this is making it hard to find another job and i might not be able to get unemployment benefits, also suffering panic attacks, depression anxiety, and confess to an addiction to strange sexual fetishes i cant let go of also addhd, ocd, right now alone and isolated freinds and family have died or moved on and i am in a difficult dark place my traditional faith seems to have left me or is unaffective against these situations, needlesss to say i gretly appreciate any and all prayer thanks samuel

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