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# Date & Time Name Prayer
#669 Sarah Hello please could you pray for my amazing Dad Jeffrey who has recently found out he has asbestos cancer which is both inoperable and incurable he needs healing from this terminal illness and needs to know God more as he prays but feels no one listens help him to know God hears him and for him to be restored to full health thank you very much
#667 Raman Kumar Hi Lord, I am Raman Kumar from India. I want to share my inner feelings with you lord. I love Mexican woman. She lives in Mexico. Her name is Karime Alexandra Beccera Mendez. She lives in my heart. I want to marry her. I want to make her happiest woman in the world. I want to remove sadness from her life. I give you everything that she expect from my side. I support her in every situation. I accept her forever. I love you my soulmate Karime. I am yours and you are mine.Lord, Lord please provide me work visa for Mexico then I go to Mexico and marry with my soulmate Karime. I am waiting for your divine guiadance. Thanks lord for your time.
Best Regards
Raman Kumar
Delhi, India
#666 Craig Tiske I ask prayer for renew my life banish all hindering forces on my life
#665 Craig Tiske I ask prayer for renew my life banish all hindering forces on my life
#664 paul bailey Please pray for me so that I will receive good fortune and sustenance and good job positions immediately where I am at the moment. Thank you.
#663 paul bailey I have had a serious problem with relationships and women. I have blockages with this issue. Please pray for me so that all blockages concerning women will be removed from my aura y and that any curse relating to this will be cleared from me so that I will have much more success regarding women and relationships and be able to attract. Thank you.
#662 paul bailey I have had a serious problem with relationships and women. I have blockages with this issue. Please pray for me so that all blockages concerning women will be removed from my aura y and that any curse relating to this will be cleared from me so that I will have much more success regarding women and relationships and be able to attract. Thank you.
#660 niosha Please pray for me to get marry with the man who I love
#659 niosha Please pray for me to get marry with the man who I love
#658 ogbili john please am requesting these PRAYER onbehalf of my BROTHER ( OGBILI AKHATOR ANDREW) he has been down with STROKE for the past FIVE YEARS pls I need your PRAYER for his HEALING, God bless you,Amen

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