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# Date & Time Name Prayer
#872 Akash murmu I am request to you my brother please pray for my lost wife sushila murmu please come back my home soon. Please help me. I am very sorry to you sushila. I am very lonely without you sushila please come back my home soon. My lord jesus please bring my lost wife sushila murmu please help me.
#871 Akash murmu I am request to you my brother please pray for my lost wife sushila murmu please come back my home soon. Please help me. I am very sorry to you sushila. I am very lonely without you sushila please come back my home soon. My lord jesus please bring my lost wife sushila murmu please help me.
#870 W Thomas Have mercy O Lord upon the soul of Warren Peter Wells who passed on June 30, 2017, bestow Grace and Mercy upon Linda Wells and all of the Wells family
Mellissa Granville, Thomas Granville and Madison Granville, O Holy Mighty and Eternal Father the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob who spoke to Moses and Prophets of Old who raised up Kings, instituted the Holy Sacrifice, who by the power of the Holy Ghost entered this world through the Most Holy Theotokos in the person of Jesus Christ, I ask also that You would bestow a Saced Mystical blessing upon myself Warren Thomas Wells, my wife Andrea Marichak Wells, my children Joshua, Jason, Nicole and Natalie making this marriage family holy, pure, sacred, saintly and mystical. I offer all of this united with the prayers of the church militant, church suffering and church glorious through the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Sacred Heart of Jesus with the Sacred Salvific Blood sweat tears and spittle as well as the shoulder wound of Christ within the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
#869 Claire Wilson My name is Claire Wilson I'm from North carolina I want to share the amazing thing that DR LAGI has done for me, for 2 years I passed through the pain of issue of blood that caused me so much shame and drained my resources as I moved from one hospital to another I also went to UNC medical center in Chapel hill north carolina but they failed me, so I said if it is my faith to die I will accept it. One morning my friend came to visit me she told me that there is powerful man who can cure me, she said that she held her fellow worker discussing how DR LAGI helped him to bring back his girlfriend and how DR LAGI has helped a lot of people with different problems and she remembered my problem so she quickly collected his email and gave it to me I didn't wanted to emailed him because I am a Christian but looking at my condition I emailed him and I told him my problem he said that he will help me he told me to give him some time to consult the gods. 2 days after he told me that the spell was done that I am free from that sickness so I went to see my doctor she did some test on me and told me that there is no sign of it in my blood that it was a miracle I was so so happy. Thanks to DR LAGI my problem is gone. If you find yourself in any situation don't hesitate to email him at [email protected] you can also visit his website at
#868 Kenneth Leverett Lane I pray thee all my financial blessing will be restore to me.
#867 Joyce Roberts Please God heal me from bipolar disorder and depression and restore my normal daily functioning back now thank you God in Jesus name amen thanks for the prayers and may God bless you All amen
#866 Smithaa sonam guptaa Dearest Violet flame,permanently remove sickness from the body blood bones bones,mind and spirit of smithaa sonam guptaa's.May your healing power heal all situation in the life of smithaa guptaa's.May ur mighty presence heal the physically body of smithaa sonam guptaa's and make her very thin physically curvatous oozing with youthful beautiful sexuality magnetic personality with angels youthful sexuality face like a diva permanently.heal all the skin problems ,making it clean and clear and milky white skin complexion without any scars or marks.heal the speech power of smithaa that they is sweetness melody sparkling voice which has super quality permanently.give smithaa the power to mesmerize with that beautiful perfect voice.heal the finance of smithaa guptaa's that there is loads of miracle money coming in without any interruption to take care of wants needs desires of me and my Family.heal the mental power of smithaa sonam guptaa's..turn her into this smart brainy sharp clever understanding and fill of wisdom,practical knowledge,upskilled and fast learner and meeting exceeding targets at work permanently.send loads of true genuine helpful friends who without asking help and make smithaa laugh enjoy life.take away sadness loneliness from her life.send her raise clever well educated,well cultured,financially super rich and stable and loving caring honest genuine adventurous and always supportive life partner and fill her life with love luxury happiness permanently.May this be true now and forever and for eternity.Amen.
#865 Neelam Kiran guptaa Dearest Violet flame and our loving lord Jesus and archangel Raphael,we thank you for ur intervention and we want to recieve the ultimate beautiful from is neelamkiran guptaa's birthday,violet flame permanently transform her into this loving youthful beautiful diva.Violet flame every moment of her life be permanently blessed with not cheerfulness happiness and prosperity.On this special occasion,Violet flame make neelamkiran kiran guptaa's free from all sickness,stress,poverty,lonliness,any lack in her life permanently.Make neelamkiran physically very fit,very this and curvatious,hot looking,sensational with flawless peachmilk skin complexion and very beautiful youthful divine angel like face permanently.Violet flame heal her life,heal her wisdom,mental sharpness,clarity,smartness,the power to do things at right time and right place.Violet flame only u can enrich her life with luxury and financial power s positively.Violet flame fill her with even increasing financial prosperity permanently.Renew her life with getting loads of brand new trendy clothes and jewelry accessories that she has been wanting for long.Violet Flame heal her speech power,make her speech very clear,sweeet and powerful and may she speak and understand english fluentlyvwithout any error.Violet flame send angels as her true genuine friends who should her entertain her and help her without asking so that everything is taken care of.Violet flame please get her well cultured ,well educated,loving caring funfilled adventurous,honest,financiall super rich and stable and handsome and respectful life partner who enriches her life everafter and marries her soon and keeps her super happy.
#864 Neelam Kiran guptaa Dearest Violet flame,tomorrow is neelam Kiran guptaa birthday...may the Violet flame,make this a good beginning in her life,remarkable positive powerful permanent self transformation in her.may on this birthday she receive luxurious gifts from the universe.the gift of finance ,prosperity riches ,new clothes,powerful mental clarity sharpness smartness,edge over others,powerful mental retention and talents and wisdom,understanding,glory at all times.Violet flame please remove her speech defect ,fear and stammering permanently,may neelam speak clear fluent English without any grammatical error like a pro permanently.May her finance grow to the heights of abundance permanently.may she be free from all types of sickness permanently.may she be physically curvatous,youthful,vitality,energetic ,fit and very slim and oozing with beauty at all times permanently just like an angel.may she get positive fame and name.may she spiritually grow positively.may she be loved by all in the universe.may all good things come to her and she is able to enjoy them and thank Violet flame and Jesus for it at all times.may she be healed from her past lives ,present and future.may this be mote it be.Amen.
#863 Neelam Kiran guptaa Dearest Violet flame,tomorrow is neelam Kiran guptaa birthday...may the Violet flame,make this a good beginning in her life,remarkable positive powerful permanent self transformation in her.may on this birthday she receive luxurious gifts from the universe.the gift of finance ,prosperity riches ,new clothes,powerful mental clarity sharpness smartness,edge over others,powerful mental retention and talents and wisdom,understanding,glory at all times.Violet flame please remove her speech defect ,fear and stammering permanently,may neelam speak clear fluent English without any grammatical error like a pro permanently.May her finance grow to the heights of abundance permanently.may she be free from all types of sickness permanently.may she be physically curvatous,youthful,vitality,energetic ,fit and very slim and oozing with beauty at all times permanently just like an angel.may she get positive fame and name.may she spiritually grow positively.may she be loved by all in the universe.may all good things come to her and she is able to enjoy them and thank Violet flame and Jesus for it at all times.may she be healed from her past lives ,present and future.may this be mote it be.Amen.

If you want any of your prayers to be removed, please send an email to [email protected].  Please include the prayer number (which is next to the prayer's date and time) for each prayer you want removed.