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# Date & Time Name Prayer
#472 greg Please pray for my grand nephew Derrick. He is 13. He was in a serious accident on Saturday and isn't expected to live. Derrick needs a miracle. Thank you and God Bless!
#471 Samantha Please pray that this new job my husband has taken on with his company will go smoothly. They really need this job and for everything to work out perfectly.
#470 Chalsa I pray for Herman Santos please keep him in your prayers I love him very much but I have to stay away because a person is cursing him with witchcraft due to jealousy I pray that God deliever this person from being so jealous so that we can have an even closer relationship get married and have a happy family
#469 Chalsa I pray for Herman Santos please keep him in your prayers I love him very much but I have to stay away because a person is cursing him with witchcraft due to jealousy I pray that God deliever this person from being so jealous
#468 Cyndi Hack To be alive and have a real life again and to get better
#467 Laura Please pray for Anthony to have strength and courage during this difficult time. Remove all the negativity surrounding his life. Allow him to find peace and healing
#466 Laura Praying for all negativity to be removed around my life
Asking for guidance from above and my path to be lit w the brightest white light. Amen
#465 mae I have a lot of financial problems. I have a lot of debt. please pray that God will give me an idea how to make more money. that god will remove a lot of negativity from my mind,spirit,soul,Android body. having trouble with people liking me
#464 Samantha Please say a prayer for me, my HOA has been non stop harassing me because of my tenant. Please pray that I find guidance and can figure out what to do about all this. I don't know if I should allow her to break her lease or just leave it alone.
#463 Samantha Please pray for my brother in law brek to find peace with the decisions that have been made and to be happy with where god leads him next in his soccer career.

If you want any of your prayers to be removed, please send an email to [email protected].  Please include the prayer number (which is next to the prayer's date and time) for each prayer you want removed.