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# Date & Time Name Prayer
#623 Wes We are trusting and believing Almighty God for a financial miracle
#622 michael C. Please heal this horrible illness that has caused pain and deterioration of my pelvic and groin area.May the violet flame transmute and heal all physical damage and heal all . Almighty I Am
#621 Glenn Melaas I pray that God will grant my request to bring Brittany Brainerd back to me again. I pray whatever it was that separated us I ask God to remove it with his power and grace. I pray that God will fill her mind with thoughts about me and open her heart to me again. I pray that God's hands are on our shoulders and guide us together again to reinvent our relationship so we can have a lasting love. I miss her I feel empty without her she is special she stands out among other girls. I pray God will open the doors of communication between us again. I also ask that archangel Chamual will assist us in Jesus name I pray Amen
#620 Martina Please pray for a couple Nick C. and his wife Susie B. pray for their salvation. They are far from God please pray because He can touch their hearts. I'm so worried about them. Their heart is just focused on mundane things.
Please pray for them.
Thank you so much!
#619 alexandria nicole jordan Hello. I am a psychic that has been possessed by multiple demons. I have experienced all sorts of attacks and today I feel drained as if I was a host in my sleep. Please help me in any way that you can, I need protection and cleansing.
#618 mia Not get pregent?
#617 prabhu My mother Mrs.Kamalamma is admitted in hospital 13 days back, she has lung and heart diseases and carbon dioxide in blood suffering and doctors no guarantee or no assurance for Her Life. Giving SPo2 oxygen 10 to 15 liters, without O2 oxygen she unable to get up so please pray for her

#616 stephen please pray for mei is suffer from poisoning i am burnig sweating pain god bless you my nick name is nols regards
#615 Michelle let go of any negativity
#614 Jude
I have fallen into temptation again and lost myself gambling. I was bailed out by a miraculous prayer answered by God with my family but I have failed them and God. I am tired with myself. Tired of my life. I have no purpose. I have no future. I am sick.
With any hope left, I ask for God to intercede in my life. I am clueless with my next step in life. I want to crawl into a hole and give up. Please give me any hope

If you want any of your prayers to be removed, please send an email to [email protected].  Please include the prayer number (which is next to the prayer's date and time) for each prayer you want removed.