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# | Date & Time | Name | Prayer |
#462 | Dee | Please pray for me, I have pain in my left ear and neck and also hoarseness. I really need a miracle from Doctor Jesus. | |
#461 | Stephanie | Dear God, I pray and wish that William would come closer to me and that our relationship deepens and grown stronger. I pray that we go out tonight and have wonderful time together. That all things between us melt away and there is just him and I as it was meant to be. I love him and want to be his wife. I pray that Anthony starts his job soon and does great at it. I pray that my job is secure, my income is secure and that I get promoted through this transition. Please help me to focus and notice everything that requires attention. Please let me receive an award for my good work and impress my co-workers and management with my talent. Please help me start studying for my CPSM. Thank you for my home, and for bringing me William and my sisters. Thank you, Amen | |
#460 | Darryl | Please include me in your prayers. I have hypertension, I pray for healing, that my high blood may back to normal level. Thank you. | |
#459 | Cyndi Hack | To be alive again | |
#458 | REGINA | Please pray for my family,my parents, brothers,sisters and myself to have higher mental clarity.For us to be humble to the Divine, abundance and productivity in all areas of our lives. May we all be connected to the Divine and we serve our Divine purpose each day. Thank you! | |
#457 | Elizabeth | For my husband Alan, if God wills it..blessed and healed from dark, lower or negative energies, vexations that he may be healed completely <3 | |
#456 | Tanja | {\
tf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\ ed255\green255\blue255;\ ed0\green0\blue0;\ ed255\green255\blue255;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs22 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 My dad's previous test showed enlarged heart I need help in prayer my dad Kobus Duvenage is going to do tests tomorrow and I pray and believe that nothing is impossible for God, that in Jesus name my dad will be fully healed and all test will be clean } |
#455 | Kobus Duvenage | Healing prayer for my dad his heart is enlarged and I know with you lord anything is possible I have seen your healing and I need you now lord to touch my dad and heal him fully in Jesus name | |
#453 | Jessi | My mother is beside herself - sick with worry that her house has not sold. Please help us pray for the rightful owner/buyer to come soon to 6203 Bellona Ave - in Baltimore |
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If you want any of your prayers to be removed, please send an email to [email protected]. Please include the prayer number (which is next to the prayer's date and time) for each prayer you want removed.