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# Date & Time Name Prayer
#1003 Smithaasonam guptaa By the power of Violet flame and almighty father lord,destroy the power and effect of all blackmagic,even the most powerful witchcraft and mind control done by Rajni Makhija and her supporters against smithaa sonam Guptaa and neelamkiran kiran Guptaa and all our family members.permanently stop all sickness,financial crisis,unhappiness amongst family membersthat rajni makhija,vispy shaw,minal patel,geeta usha shaw,girdhari jaisingh,meghna jaisingh,nilesh desai,his son and kavita chablani,saroj ailani andall the others involved are sending to smithaa sonam Guptaa,neelam kiran Guptaa,anuj gupta and Ramshri gupta and Sarika omprakash the power of Violet flame,destroy all the works of the enemies whether seen unseen visible or invisible against smithaa sonam guptaa and family and fill each and every enemy with so much fear that all their mistakes are caught in the eyes of the public.Destroy the power of Rajni makhija'mightiest blackmagic and put her to shame for all the wrong doings against us.r reunite smithaa sonam guptaa and family in perfect bliss harmony prosperity riches happiness and permanently stop all unwanted fights now until eternity.Amen
#1002 Smithaasonam guptaa By the mighty power of Violet flame,heal smithaa sonam guptaa's incoming finance and let there be abundant inflow of continuously finance and luxury and riches and happiness and youthful and beauty and good reputatiion ,genuine helpful friends and riches the mighty power of Violet tats,destroy the power and effect of every evil witchcraft power,evil eyes,curse hex spiritual wicked ness done to harm Smithaa sonam guptaa.destroy the works of every enemies of smithaa sonam Guptaa permanently .thank u
#1001 Smithaasonam guptaa Destroy the power of my own sister neelamkiran kiran Guptaa to cause me bad reputation.sto her from her lying against me and stop her from politically playing against me and rejoicing.stop all the curse coming from Ramshri gupta and make her behave genuinely nice and stop her from causing indirect and direct damages to smithaa sonam Guptaa .stop all evil,evil eyes,blackmagic,witchcraft power and effect done by Sarika Prema Sunderlal gupta and her father and her brother and sister upon smithaa Sonam Guptaa and family and our finance and our unity and happiness and our good relationships.d destroy the power of witchcraft and evil and negativity sent by geeta Sunita gupta sundaram and her evil children permanently.destroy the power and effect of all financial crisis and negativity sent by geeta mishkaa khanna and her evil family members upon Smithaa sonam guptaa and all family members and let all financial crisis done by her upon me and my family backfire upon her permanently and never come back to us...destroy the power of my sister neelamkiran kiran Guptaa to instigate me to fight with her permanently and stop her from abusing my money power.destroy all the blackmagic and curse places on smithaa sonam Guptaa thin curvatous physical figure and youthful and beauty and wisdom.destroy every curse jinx blackmagic done by sushma Om prakash Gupta and her husband and her sonam and family and it should backfire straight away to them and never come back to us and snatch all our Goodluck prosperity riches uppercrest life from them permanently and they cannot speak hex or destroy our positive powers
#1000 Smithaasonam guptaa Father lord,destroy the power and effect of blackmagic done by preeti popat and arun soneji and emeritus,let it permanently backfire upon them and may i get an awesome high salary and high designations job with respectful and dignity effortlessly so that it can prove that my father lord and Violet flame are mightier than the enemies....destroy every curse jinx hex evil eyes places on my employment,my money power ,my good political connections,my good reputation and beauty your,my diction and fluent language speaking and writing skills and my sweetness voice and speech permanently
#999 Smithaasonam guptaa Father lord,miraculously get miracles money to smithaa sonam Guptaa and let it multiply million times and by the miracles of father lord,my house renovation work is getting completed without any interruption from rajni makhija and other members of the society and the work is done by skilled workers doing best of the job in the timely mannered at dirt cheap kanpur prices with the best of the material....remove all curse items from my house effortlessly.destroy the power and effect of all blackmagic jinx curse hex evil eyes negativity and political pressure done by rajni makhija upon smithaa sonam Guptaa and all family's members permanently.destroy the power and effect of blackmagic done by alpa gala and chimpu gala and his evil life and sonam and daughters and servants and relatives upon smithaa sonam Guptaa and family's and let all their negativity and spiritual wicked ness backfire upon them permanently and there should be so much fight hatred unhappiness in their lives permanently.lord i want justice,no matter wat
#998 Smithaasonam guptaa Father lord,miraculously get miracles money to smithaa sonam Guptaa and let it multiply million times and by the miracles of father lord,my house renovation work is getting completed without any interruption from rajni makhija and other members of the society and the work is done by skilled workers doing best of the job in the timely mannered at dirt cheap kanpur prices with the best of the material....remove all curse items from my house effortlessly.destroy the power and effect of all blackmagic jinx curse hex evil eyes negativity and political pressure done by rajni makhija upon smithaa sonam Guptaa and all family's members permanently.destroy the power and effect of blackmagic done by alpa gala and chimpu gala and his evil life and sonam and daughters and servants and relatives upon smithaa sonam Guptaa and family's and let all their negativity and spiritual wicked ness backfire upon them permanently and there should be so much fight hatred unhappiness in their lives permanently.lord i want justice,no matter wat
#997 Smithaasonam guptaa Father lord,miraculously get miracles money to smithaa sonam Guptaa and let it multiply million times and by the miracles of father lord,my house renovation work is getting completed without any interruption from rajni makhija and other members of the society and the work is done by skilled workers doing best of the job in the timely mannered at dirt cheap kanpur prices with the best of the material....remove all curse items from my house effortlessly.destroy the power and effect of all blackmagic jinx curse hex evil eyes negativity and political pressure done by rajni makhija upon smithaa sonam Guptaa and all family's members permanently.destroy the power and effect of blackmagic done by alpa gala and chimpu gala and his evil life and sonam and daughters and servants and relatives upon smithaa sonam Guptaa and family's and let all their negativity and spiritual wicked ness backfire upon them permanently and there should be so much fight hatred unhappiness in their lives permanently.lord i want justice,no matter wat
#996 Smithaasonam guptaa Father lord,miraculously get miracles money to smithaa sonam Guptaa and let it multiply million times and by the miracles of father lord,my house renovation work is getting completed without any interruption from rajni makhija and other members of the society and the work is done by skilled workers doing best of the job in the timely mannered at dirt cheap kanpur prices with the best of the material....remove all curse items from my house effortlessly.destroy the power and effect of all blackmagic jinx curse hex evil eyes negativity and political pressure done by rajni makhija upon smithaa sonam Guptaa and all family's members permanently.destroy the power and effect of blackmagic done by alpa gala and chimpu gala and his evil life and sonam and daughters and servants and relatives upon smithaa sonam Guptaa and family's and let all their negativity and spiritual wicked ness backfire upon them permanently and there should be so much fight hatred unhappiness in their lives permanently.lord i want justice,no matter wat
#995 Smithaasonam guptaa Father lord,miraculously get miracles money to smithaa sonam Guptaa and let it multiply million times and by the miracles of father lord,my house renovation work is getting completed without any interruption from rajni makhija and other members of the society and the work is done by skilled workers doing best of the job in the timely mannered at dirt cheap kanpur prices with the best of the material....remove all curse items from my house effortlessly.destroy the power and effect of all blackmagic jinx curse hex evil eyes negativity and political pressure done by rajni makhija upon smithaa sonam Guptaa and all family's members permanently.destroy the power and effect of blackmagic done by alpa gala and chimpu gala and his evil life and sonam and daughters and servants and relatives upon smithaa sonam Guptaa and family's and let all their negativity and spiritual wicked ness backfire upon them permanently and there should be so much fight hatred unhappiness in their lives permanently.lord i want justice,no matter wat
#994 Smithaasonam guptaa Destroy the power and effect of devendra Saini who is doing blackmagic on me and my family's and Anuj gupta.permanently destroy devendra Saini and his lawyers and his family's and all his supporters and money power and political power permanently........Burn devendra Saini to ashes and fill him with fear for his wrong doing and destroy his power to do court case against my brother Anuj Gupta and destroy devendra Saini power to cause financial harm to us,please lord help,do justice to us

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