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# Date & Time Name Prayer
#1063 ray smith i ask st for help with my identity theft also to help with car and food also finish school
#1062 Casie Smith Please pray for my daughter to have a quick recovery from a surgery.

#1061 leu very urgent - prayers requested for a new job with employment visa
#1060 ray I ask for food and money also for st expedite to help me also to finish school and get out of caramore.i pray for my enemies also to get a new job I pray to handle matt and robbie
#1059 ray I ask for food and money also for st expedite to help me also to finish school and get out of caramore.i pray for my enemies also to get a new job I pray to handle matt and robbie
#1058 Smithaa sonam guptaa Dearest Violet flame, remove every power of darkness, witchcraft, sorcery done to hurt harm harress smithaa sonam guptaa permanently. With the power of your flame, violet fire remove all curse, jinx, hex, spiritual wickedness, sorcery, witchcraft, mindcontrol,hypnosis done to hurt harm harress smithaa sonam guptaa permanently. Violet flame, remove all curse placed in the mind power of smithaa sonam guptaa and destroy all forces of darkness which are stopping her growth, vision, clarity, skills, learning and development permanently. Violet flame permanently fill smithaa sonam guptaa with ur miracles and miraculous powers that no one can steal hex or destroy in her.Violet flame, remove all forces of darkness on her body and bones, blood, brain, tissues, skin permanently and heal her skin condition and let all the positivity run into her mind body spirit soul from head to toe permanently.let ur positive powers shine into her from head to toe permanently. Let people see the powers of violet flane shining and powerfully protecting smithaa sonam guptaa permanently.let the miraculous powers of violet flame make smithaa sonam guptaa very thin curvatious sensual appealing attractive in her physical body permanently and let the violet flame remove all demonic possession who are for no reason making her body useless and weird permanently.with the power of violet flame, heal the face of smithaa sonam guptaa with angel powers youthful beauty, attractive, smooth soft clear skin, gorgeous, elegant classy, glamorous enchanting permanently and no one can steal hex or destroy her charm permanently. With ur power violet glame, you are permanently opening the doors of wisdom enlightenment,mental focus, increased learning and development secret knowledge of every science, upskilling polishing her to the optimum heights and no one can stop her permanently. Violet flame, destroy every blockages placed by enemies in her area of incoming finances, job opportunities and luxury and comforts permanently. Let the violet flame open the doors to better employment and uppercrest rich people to be with her and aid her bussiness and job prospects permanently. Violet flame open all your positive powers that smithaasonam guptaa is able to recieve enjoy multiple her blessings and skills and no one can stop her from doing this. Violet flame suck out every depression and mental blockages and all negativity placed by evil demons and jealous people over her. Amen
#1057 Neelam kiran guptaa Father lord and dearest violet flame, remove every pain and sufferings from the life of neelam kiran guptaa and remove every power of darkness, lonliness, unhappiness from her live permanently. Father lord and mighty violet flame,bring permanent strength health and vitality in the bones, blood, tissues and every organ of neelamkiran guptaa. Dearest violet flame, heal the skin condition on neelam kiran guptaa 's face and heal her face with youthful beauty, charisma, charm, attraction permanently. Heal neelam kiran guptaa mind power and her power of learning and development and rising above everyone with the power of voilet flame. Cover her with your positivity throughtout with the power of violet flame. Let neelamkiran guptaa'slife be healed, resurrected,enriched with growing incoming finances, goodhealth, cheerfulness positivity, love, genuine helpful friends, loving life partner permanently. By the power of violet flame,remove all darkness in her love life and bring her a life partner of her dreams,the man that is so perfect for her and enriches her life. Violet flame cover her with ur strength, uplift her, remove sadness and evil people from her life and bring her body in perfect thin beautiful shape that makes her look more beautiful and attractive permanently. Help her violet flame to erase all negativity accumulated in her mind and release her frim it and fill her mind with sharpness clarity, power to learn new things, remember them and rise and upskill herself permanently. Violet flame, remove curse and fear placed on her mind power and stop the power of those evil people who bully and mock at her at her workplace. Violet flame, by ur mighty power,rise her above all and give her a high place at her workplace. Let her hardwork be honored and those jealous of her have no place permanently.
#1056 Smithaa sonam guptaa Dearest violet flame, permanently remove all sickness, financial crisis from me and each and every member of my family. Dearest violet fame, remove all misunderstanding, quarrels an fights witjin my family and fill that void with love affection, unity and strength within each and every member of my family. Violet flame,i request to cover me and each and every member of my family, brother, sisters, mother and me with your positivity and love and strength and goodhealth and sound mind and sound relationships and let every demonic powers, blackmagic done to hurt harm harress us leave us right now with your power permanently. Dearest violet flame, remove every evil witchcraft and blackmagic done to block our incoming finances permanently and open our doors to good opportunities and better life and better surroundings and better friends in our lives. We trust you violet flame that this is done. We thank you for it. Amen
#1055 Smithaa sonam guptaa Dearest violet flame and father lord, only you have the power of revelation, so reveal very clearly to smithaa sonam guptaawhat evil objects have been placed by her enemies to block her and cause her sickness. Dearest violet flame help her to release, those objects in the coming week and free her space from all that. Release only those objects which are cursed and help her to know where those objects inwhich form have been placed. Do it for her please. Release those objects which are causing her financial ruins. Resurrect her life, she needs you violet flame, let her shine and glow in the face of those enemies who are hurting her life so bad.violet flame, destroy every power of every enemy of smithaa sonam guptaa to stand against her. Reveal to smithaa sonam guptaa the real working secrets of spiritual worlds that resurrects her life. Let her be the angel of this beautiful violet flame. Amen.
#1054 Smithaa sonam guptaa Dearest Violet flame and father lord, permanently destroy every evileyes, jealous intention, curses, hex, demonic possesion, blackmagic, witchcraft, sorcery, any spiritual wickedness, any negativity, any bondages, blockages done to hurt harm harress any dimension of smithaa sonam guptaa's life. Dearest violet flame restore the finances, opportunities and powers of smithaa sonam guptaa and destroy every blockages of jealous enemies who are constantly plotting worrying blocking, doing political drama against smithaa sonam guptaa. Release now and until eternity your angels, for smithaasonam guptaa, she needs you violet flame, she loves you, restore her youth and beauty and suck out every illness in her bones blood tissues skin permanently. Loving violet flame, destroy all the blockages created by enemies which has stopped her amazing brainpower and her spiritual powers. Release your goodness, violetflame over smithaa sonam guptaa permanently,let ur fleet of angels guard and protect and love her and let no enemies evil power every touch her or her family members please. Amen

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